Training and Development – Managers/Supervisors

Please see below.

HR Courses (also included on Employees page)

The Department of Human Resources Administration (DHRA) strives to ensure that Executive Branch state employees are aware and knowledgeable of important human resource topics. For that reason, certain courses have been identified to educate employees on variety of these topics.

Click HERE to access these courses. Please note that some are required.

Executive Branch Management Curriculum

This curriculum contain courses intended for Executive Branch state employees in management roles/positions across the enterprise. It is recommended by DHRA that all are completed - a CHECKLIST is available for tracking. Agencies may also assign agency-specific training to their managers.​ For registration information, contact your agency training coordinator.

KHRIS Manager Self-Service (MSS) and Time Approval

KHRIS is the Commonwealth of Kentucky's human resource system. It is managed by the Personnel Cabinet and used by Agency Human Resource staff to input and maintain employee HR information. Manager Self-Service (MSS) is a part of KHRIS, available through the internet, that allows managers access to certain direct-reports information. It also includes Time Approval for agencies utilizing Employee Self-Time Entry.

Available in MyPURPOSE (for training credit), you can also click HERE to access guides and tutorials on this website, for reference.

Note: These are also included in the Executive Branch - Management Curriculum.

Position Description Training - Supervisors

This course is intended for supervisors of KRS 18A merit positions and provides the basic guidelines in creating an effective Position Description (PD). At the end of the course, supervisors should understand the importance of the PD as well as have the basic knowledge of the components necessary in developing a position description.

For registration information, contact your agency training coordinator.

Performance Management

The Commonwealth of Kentucky's performance evaluation system was developed to assist with communication between the employee and supervisor (evaluator). Performance evaluations are important opportunities for supervisors and employees to share in open dialog concerning attainment and setting of goals as well as the employee's individual performance.

Click HERE to access the Performance Management page.

          • ​​​​DHRA Performance with a Purpose
          • Guide to Performance Management for Evaluators

For registration information, contact your agency training coordinator.

Note: These are also included in the Executive Branch - Management Curriculum.​

[Services/Performance Management]

How to Effectively Lead a Remote Team 

Required for managers with telecommuting employees. 

Available in MyPURPOSE.

Office of Diversity, Equality, and Training (ODET)

ODET provides employee training and development. ODET offers classroom workshops, eLearning and self-study resources for the employees of Kentucky state government.

Click HERE to access that information.

[Services/Diversity, Equality and Training]

Governmental Services Center (GSC)

GSC provides training and development for managers of Kentucky state government through classroom workshops, eLearning and self-study resources.

Click HERE to access that information. 

[Services/Governmental Services Center]