Please see below for available training information. Online courses are available in the Learning module of MyPURPOSE.
This online course provides information and instruction for the Agency Security Contacts (ASC), serving as the liaison between the agency and Personnel Cabinet for system access. The course must be completed before the employee is granted the ASC role.
Fundamentals of Payroll
This one-day in-person training covers the skills and responsibilities required of an HR professional. Topics covered include essential payroll calculations pertaining to wages, payroll taxes, benefits and other deductions. Other topics include payroll operations, payroll reporting and employment taxes.
Position Description (PD) Training
This half-day in-person training will provide knowledge and skills required to create a clear and effective position description by covering the following objectives: define and explain the purpose of the job class specification and a position description and associated statutes and regulations, identify the components necessary to develop a position description, identify the uses of a position description, create a position description, and review and update a position description. This class is intended for Human Resource Generalists (HRG) or an HR liaison.
Completing Personnel Board Ordered HR Tasks
This video provides a detailed review of various back pay examples required to comply with a Personnel Board Order. This training is appropriate for individuals who hold the KHRIS Human Resources Generalist (HRG) role and are tasked with completing HR-related processes required to fulfill a Personnel Board Order or other types of back pay. Participants are expected to be familiar with the Personnel Board appeal process and final Personnel Board Recommended Orders.
Understanding the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
This video is intended for HR staff and will focus on several aspects of the FLSA and how it applies to Kentucky State Government. Emphasis will be placed on Exempt vs. Non-Exempt, what this means and why it is important to properly designate. Additionally, the course will help participants to understand when time worked is compensable, to include such areas as travel, training, “on call," rest and meal periods.
In-depth Review of 18A Classified and Unclassified Regulations: Compensation
This video is intended for agency human resources (HR) staff and personnel who have been assigned HR-related tasks. This training provides an in-depth review and application of the specified regulations and statute(s).
In-depth Review of 18A Classified and Unclassified Regulations: Leave
This video is intended for agency human resources (HR) staff and personnel who have been assigned HR-related tasks. This training provides an in-depth review and application of the specified regulations and statute(s).
FMLA Training for Executive Branch Employees
This is an in-depth online course intended to provide information on the application of the FMLA to Kentucky Executive Branch employees covered under KRS Chapter 18A. This online course is open to any employee; however, we strongly encourage all HR employees and managers to complete this course.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for HR/Legal Staff
This online training is an in-depth course intended for agency HR and legal personnel. Content provides information on the history and application of the FMLA to Kentucky Executive Branch employees covered under KRS Chapter 18A.
OER State Workers’ Compensation Program Overview
This video is intended for HR professionals with workers’ compensation responsibilities as well as agency legal staff. This webinar is an overview of the workers’ compensation process as administered by the Commonwealth’s Workers’ Compensation Program. This course is intended for HR professionals with workers’ compensation responsibilities as well as agency legal staff. This training will cover the progression of a workers’ compensation claim including reporting an injury, the investigation, the initial determination of compensability, the return-to-work program, information required by the third-party administrator and a summary of claim litigation.
GSC Discipline and Documentation Curriculum
This curriculum represents an overview and best practices for employee discipline and documentation. The Governmental Services Center (GSC), its agents, and its representatives do not render legal advice. The information presented does not substitute for an agency-specific protocol or other process required by statute, regulation or policy. Please consult your human resources and/or legal office with any questions you have regarding HR administration in your agency. The total training credit is equivalent to the full-day instructor-led GSC Employee Discipline and Documentation workshop. The curriculum’s design follows the progression of virtual workshops, CyberU courses, videos and assignments outlined. It is strongly recommended to complete the curriculum in the order as it appears in MyPURPOSE. However, you can complete the list in any order except for the last piece. The last piece, the Individual Assignment, will not become available until all other pieces have the status “complete.” You will be responsible to register for each GSC virtual classroom session within the curriculum. There is no automatic enrollment. All assigned steps in the curriculum must be completed to earn completion credit.
GSC Hiring and Selection Process Curriculum
This curriculum represents an overview and best practices for the hiring and selection process. The Governmental Services Center (GSC), its agents and its representatives do not render legal advice. The information presented does not substitute for an agency-specific protocol or other process required by statute, regulation or policy. Please consult your human resources and/or legal office with any questions you have regarding HR administration in your agency. The total training credit is equivalent to the full-day instructor-led GSC Hiring and Selection Process workshop. The curriculum’s design follows the progression of virtual workshops and writing assignment. You will be responsible to register for each GSC virtual classroom session within the curriculum. There is no automatic enrollment. All assigned steps in the curriculum must be completed to earn completion credit.
Workers Compensation Buyback Process
This half-day course is designed for HR professionals who administer the workers compensation buyback process. This course will give an overview of the workers compensation program, explain the workers compensation calculator, process workers compensation adjustments and quota corrections associated with workers compensation in KHRIS. The training will also demonstrate the workers compensation buyback process from beginning to end. The Zoom Webinar OER State Workers’ Compensation Program Overview is a prerequisite to this system training.