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​Kentucky Employee Assistance Program Webinars

Below are the webinars that will be sponsored by the Kentucky Employee Assistance Program (KEAP).  View the training calendar for scheduled classes. Employees should register in MyPURPOSE Commonwealth U with Manager approval or contact your training coordinator

If you are signing up for one of our webinars and need accommodations, or would like webinar handouts in an alternate format (Braille, large font) please contact our office at 800.445.5327 or emailPERS.eap@ky.gov​.  If possible, please submit your request at least 3 weeks prior to the class.

Living Well Logo 

If you would like to earn LivingWell Reward Points in Castlight for participating in a Kentucky Employee Assistance Program (KEAP) webinar, follow the steps below: 

    1. Login or register to your Castlight account from https://mycastlight.com/mybenefits
    2. Click on the POINTS/REWARDS under the Your Rewards section at the top of the homepage 
    3. Scroll down on the Ways to Earn page until you see the KEAP Webinar tile  
    4. Click on the START button under the activity   
    5. Answer the question if you have completed listening to the webinar
    6. Click SUBMIT 
    7. ​You can earn points for watching a KEAP webinar each quarter

You will see your points earned on your homepage or on the Ways To Earn page.  You can redeem your points for rewards in the Reward Center right from your app.  Click on the SEE REWARDS button from the Ways To Earn page or from clicking on the Reward Center from the left rail options under the Rewards tab.   If you have any questions please contact your Castlight Care Guides at: 800.681.6758

Alone at Work: Isolation Risks When Telecommuting

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: COVID-19 has resulted in massive changes in the way we live and work. Working at home has its benefits, but due to our human need for contact the lack of social interaction can result in mental and physical problems. This workshop will review the research on isolation's effect on the body and mind, and explore what you can do to decrease those risks.

Anxiety Awareness 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Session will include information about the biological and cognitive causes of anxiety. Specific disorders will be reviewed in order to increase participant's understanding of symptoms and how they may impact their work performance. At the end, participants should have an increased awareness of possible treatments so that they can seek out appropriate services if they or their loved ones are suffering from debilitating anxiety.​

KEAP as a Management Tool 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Managers have the responsibility to address performance and behavior deficiencies early. Learn how to focus on the areas where you can make a difference for the employee and the agency. 


Budgeting for Healthy Eating

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Budgeting is beneficial for your long term financial goals, while healthy eating is important for your longevity. Making the transition to more nutritious choices can impact staying within your budgeting guidelines. This webinar examines ways to budget and how to incorporate healthy eating without it breaking the bank.

Building Resilience 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: When something goes wrong how well do you bounce back? When you have resilience, you harness inner strengths and rebound more quickly from a setback or challenge, whether it's a job loss, an illness, a disaster or the death of a loved one. This workshop will explore techniques for developing a healthy approach to handling adversity. A review of brain science research will support the strategies that will be introduced. 

Burnout: Definitions, Diagnosis and Prevention 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Burnout takes a​ toll on individuals, work groups, and families.  It is more complex than you might think. This workshop looks at the causes, the symptoms and the strategies to address burnout. 

Change Challenge: Tips for Growing Healthy Responses to Change

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Change is always coming and sometimes the change is outside of our control, particularly in the work setting. In this session, participants will explore normal reactions to change and review the different types of change responses. We will examine specific techniques for helping you increase your well-being by growing a healthy change approach.

Credit Repair

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: The management of your credit has significant implications for the wellbeing of your financial status. Improving your credit is not easy or quick, but it can be done. This presentation examines the main points that need to be addressed and resources that will put you on track to a better credit score.

Depression Awareness 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Depressive symptoms can have a significant impact on relationships, family and work performance. Participants will be educated briefly on the biological causes of depression to better understand why it happens. This session will focus on problems with thinking that result in a negative view of the world. Different types of depression will be reviewed along with some ideas on how to appropriately cope with symptoms and how to recognize that it is time to seek out the services of a professional.

Depression Relapse Prevention (3 part series) 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Preventative measures in mental health are a necessary strategy, but no more so then with depression given the progression of the disease. We invite those with a history of depression to participate in a multi-session webinar discussing ​strategies aimed at reducing the risk of relapse. This webinar will incorporate three different installments allowing for the elaboration of ideas and the opportunity to discuss specific issues over an extended length of time. Participants will be provided with techniques to practice at home so these experiences can be discussed during the following webinar. Signing up for this webinar indicates that you are willing to complete the assignments and engage in the conversation via chat message in order to get the most benefit from the experience. Techniques discussed will be drawn from traditional therapy approaches as well as some more innovative treatment methods, such as mindful awareness, which may add some new perspective to the way you handle your mood and view your life. After signing up for the webinar with your training liaison a prescreening interview will take place with the presenter. This interview will be short phone conversations to evaluate your needs and answer any questions you have about the series.


        Fundamentals of Personal Budgeting 

Length: 1.0 hour​

Description: Budgeting is the foundation for the development of a healthy financial future. This presentation examines how to create a budget. It presents resources that may help you become more successful at maintaining a budget and discusses common difficulties that often plague us when we are attempting to reach our g​oals.

Habit, Willpower and Change: How intentional living helps us improve our lives

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Your life today is, in many ways, the sum of your habits. So, what if you want to improve? What if you want to form new habits? How would you go about it? In this webinar we will explore how habits are formed. Breaking a habit in to its components will help us develop strategies to strengthen our willpower and create lasting, positive behavior changes.


Happiness at Work - for employees 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Positive feelings lead to improved work performance and job satisfaction. Fortunately, there are things we can do, even in stressful times, to increase the happiness factor in our work. This program presents ten strategies that boost contentment and happiness on the job.

Happiness at Work - for supervisors 

Length: 1.0 hour​

Description: Employees who are happy on the job work harder, stay longer and achieve more of their potential. There are identified elements supervisors can impact that will enhance employee happiness at work. Participants in this workshop will examine these factors and discuss how they can be used in their work setting. 

 Mental Health Issues in the Workplace 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed depression as a leading cause of disability worldwide. Connecting employees with supportive services is vital for the management of depression symptoms or any other mental health diagnosis that could negatively affect a person’s ability to work. Awareness and minimal involvement can have a significant and positive influence on an individual’s life. This session will review the impacts mental health difficulties have in the workplace, the warning signs that would indicate the need for intervention, and strategies to help connect that employee to the appropriate support.

Mindfulness: Managing the Emotional Brain 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Emotional regulation is our ability to adapt to a given situation effectively, so that we experience minimal negative impact to our moods and limit behaviors that we might later regret. This is a skill we all strive for, but know is difficult to master. Mindfulness may play a big role in the acquisition of this ability as we see it get increasingly more attention by researchers and the popular press. This workshop is a basic introduction to mindfulness and will cover the possible wide ranging impact it has on stress management, chronic pain, improved brain functioning and mental health. 

Preventive Care for Mental Health: You can’t separate your mind from your body

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Most of us wait to do something about our mental health when we are distressed. What if we flipped that and looked at our mental health as a part of our total well-being? Because it is!  You get your teeth cleaned. You take vitamins. We all do preventive care for our bodies. Let’s get better at doing that for our emotional well-being as well. You can invest in your psychological wellness as well as your physical wellness. This webinar will highlight the important elements of mental health fitness.

Secondary Traumatic Stress 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: There are many professions within state government in which an essential part of the work includes listening to people tell stories about the mistreatment of others. Repeated exposure to stories of abuse, violence and death can put a person at risk for many negative symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as other problems that can impact an individual’s ability to continue to function effectively at their job and in their personal life. This workshop will clarify the various conditions, terms and symptoms that have come out of the research examining those who are exposed to trauma second hand and will present a review of ways to address those issues.  


Sleep Matters

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Seventy-four percent of U.S. employees are tired at work and 38% are grumpy. Don't be one of them. In this webinar, we will look at how sleep impacts our physical and emotional well-being, as well as our work life. We will also discuss healthy practices for a good night's sleep.


Stress Management (2 Part Series)

Length: 1.0 hour each

Description: Participants will investigate the physiological stress response in order to better understand the effects of prolonged stress to the body.  The primary objective is to explore strategies for managing current, immediate stressors in addition to focusing on developing a long-term, wellness-oriented lifestyle.  A unique aim is to challenge barriers to effective stress management implementation.

This is a two-part webinar.

Part 1 - will introduce how to build your stress management "tool belt" for current, immediate stressors.

Part 2 - will build on the information learned in Part 1 and explore strategies for developing a "less-stress" lifestyle.

Time Management 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: This workshop will present common themes that appear throughout time management literature. Participants will be provided with different ideas on how to improve efficiency through specific organizational and planning methods. In addition, the presenter will illustrate why these techniques are useful by discussing the psychological processes involved that hinder or promote effective time management.

Training People How To Treat You 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Often in relationships, particularly with supervisors or co-workers, we feel powerless to address difficult situations. Many of us think there's nothing we can do to deal with tough work relationships. This workshop will look at specific steps to address difficult, one-on-one work-relationship situations. The goal is to develop skills to confront difficult work interactions in a non-destructive way. 

Understanding Bullying in the Workplace

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Workplace bullying can create negative work environments and significantly impact productivity and morale. In this workshop participants will learn what constitutes bullying, how it affects agencies and employees and what actions can be taken to address bullying behaviors. 

Understanding Grief

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: The traditional stages of grief can be a useful guide when dealing with loss of all types, but they are not rigid steps that everyone goes through the same way. Support for self and those around us dealing with grief will be examined in terms of how to honor each person's individual experience. The presenter will also explore other behavioral responses that should be considered beyond the original grief stages and offer up self-care recommendations some of which might help an individual on the path to acceptance.

Verbal De-Escalation Skills 

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Sometimes employees feel frustrated or nervous when a customer becomes dissatisfied and upset. This workshop will present non-physical techniques that can prevent or diffuse a hostile situation. Having skills to respond in these situations may help you feel more confident when communicating under stress.​


Your Most Healthy Brain

Length: 1.0 hour

Description: Whether troubleshooting a setback at work or deciding how to respond to a tricky email — everything we do is a reflection of our brain's health. In this session we will explore what current research says about obtaining optimal brain fitness. Learn ways to improve decision making, creativity, memory and more.


On-Demand curriculum in MyPurpose:

Meeting the Challenges of ADHD in the Workplace

Success at work usually requires focus on tasks, completing work on timely manner, and effective communication skills. Employees with ADHD face the challenges of distractibility, impulsivity and restlessness while trying to reach their goals. They may feel they are falling short while working hard. This resource gives tips to manage distraction and attention, improve organization, and cope with hyperactivity. Developing these skills can help employees increase confidence to achieve a more successful work life.​

       Workplace Productivity and Retention: Promoting a Psychologically Safe Work Environment

​This video course explores how supervisors and managers can take critical steps to promote employee well-being, job satisfaction and productivity.