
Governor's Minority Management Trainee Program (GMMTP)

Created in 1995, the Governor's Minority Management Trainee Program (GMMTP) is a twelve-month transformational leadership development program designed to provide guidance and leadership development opportunities for minority employees in the merit system. Pursuant to KRS 18A.025 ODET is charged with coordinating and implementing diversity initiatives for state agencies, including the Minority Management Trainee Program.​


The GMMTP was created to develop exceptional leaders by providing opportunities to continually learn, improve performance and excel in their department/agency. The GMMTP will help develop individual potential to solve emerging workforce issues as they pertain to state government. GMMTP participants strive to be: ​ ​

                • Ethical
                • Accountable 
                • Driven 
                • Enthusiastic 
                • Respectful 
                • Service-Oriented 
                • Inclusive

Eligibility Requirements ​ 

The GMMTP Program is open to Merit employees in the Executive Branch. Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements: ​​

                • ​Merit Executive Branch Employee
                • Be an ethnic minority as defined below: Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native, Two or More Races.
                • At least one (1) year of state government service
                • ​Currently in a grade 12 job classification or higher
                • ​Recommendation required for program participation from their Cabinet Secretary/agency head


Selection Procedure

Each Cabinet will have the opportunity to select two minority candidates for the program. There will also be a limited number of slots available for employees who work in the General Government Cabinet. Selected candidates must be minorities who currently manage or supervise an organizational unit, manage a state project or state government program, or show significant leadership potential.


Application Procedures 

          • ​General Application 
          • ​Personal Reflection Essays 
          1. ​​What is your personal Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV)?
          2. ​What has been the biggest personal/professional challenge during your employment with the Commonwealth of Kentucky?
          3. ​Why do you want to participate in this program? What qualifications and characteristics do you have that will make you successful in this program? How will your agency benefit from your participation in this program?
          4. ​​Where do you see yourself, professionally, post-program completion? What roles, cabinets, agencies would you like to pursue?
        • Applicant Reference


Program Benefits

                • ​Develop highly trained, experienced minority candidates to help meet the future leadership needs of state government. Provide value-added learning and development opportunities that will aid the Commonwealth of Kentucky in its quest to become an employer of choice.​
                • ​Provide opportunities for individual growth, professional development, and leadership training to better assure readiness and competency attainment necessary for management and executive level roles within our enterprise. 
                • ​Provide opportunities for mentoring and networking with participants currently in management positions to further develop personal and professional resources for continued development. 
                • ​Nationally recognized program of choice that provides opportunities for minority employees to gain access, support, skills, and knowledge to strengthen their competitive edge in the workplace.


Click here to submit your application for the 2024-2025 GMMTP!​