Direct Deposit & Electronic Salary Statement Policy
Policy Information
Pursuant to recommendations issued by the Smart Government Initiative, all individuals hired on or after January 1, 2015 and paid through the Kentucky Human Resources Information System (KHRIS), to include all judicial and executive branch employees, shall be paid through direct deposit and shall utilize Employee Self-Service (ESS) to access their electronic salary statement.
Those exempt from this policy include day laborers and state active duty.
This requirement is a final step towards maximizing the utilization of electronic payments and minimizing the number of paper checks and pay stubs issued by the Commonwealth. The use of direct deposit and ESS, instead of paper checks and stubs, results in cost savings to the state by reducing purchasing, processing, distribution, and operational costs. Employees also benefit as confidential payroll information is made more secure and is immediately available on payday regardless of vacation, illness and/or inclement weather.
This policy went into effect March, 15, 2015.
NOTE: The original policy included all employees regardless of hire date and also included the legislative branch. Senate Bill 62, which was amended and passed after the effective date of this policy, mandated the revisions reflected above.
Related Documentation
Direct Deposit and Electronic Salary Statement Policy Information (printable format)
Personnel Memorandum 2015-03